Black Geographies and Freedomlands Workshop
2:00 PM14:00

Black Geographies and Freedomlands Workshop

You’ve listened to our episode “Blackgirl Geographies” now join us for our Black Geographies and Freedomlands workshop with Loren Cahill. This is an interactive workshop to collectively imagine Black Freedomlands and map radical lovesights. This workshop is for Black women, femmes, nonbinary, and GNC folk only

Register here!!

night sky background, blue with scattered stars. Workshop title in white text and workshop description in details in yellow text.
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We're LIVE!!!
to Sep 4

We're LIVE!!!

The wait is over. We are ready to reveal ourselves to the world. Listen to our first episode to learn more about what an abolitionary science can mean for our curriculum and pedagogy inside and outside of schools. 

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